October 22, 2019

Dear Pastors and Brethren,

I greet you sincerely in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Without doubt, you are all aware of the current state of our great denomination. We are privileged to be God’s servants that have the opportunity to bring about the revival that is needed at this time. Our leaders of the past have laid a solid foundation and established a denomination whose influence far outweigh its size.

We have been motivated by various themes over the years and although we have made great strides, we are certainly not where we want to be or where God expects us to be. I have sought the Lord and conferred with colleagues on the Executive of the MCAJ and I am convinced that God wants us to rise to the challenge and fulfil His purposes by utilizing the gifts, talents and abilities that He has given to us.

The vision that I have for the MCAJ is: MCAJ, Empowered to Evangelize, Expand, and Educate with Excellence” (Acts 1;8; Matthew 28:28; Colossians 3:23). The attached file fully explains the vision. I am asking all churches to adopt the vision and develop strategies and action plans to achieve it. You can simply replace MCAJ with your own church name or Ministry name.

With unity of purpose, I firmly believe that our best days as a denomination are ahead. We can be the ‘glorious church’ that the Lord expects us to be (Ephesians 5:27). I ask that you embrace the vision and let us see the transformation that is possible in our time.

I crave your prayers and full support.

Thank you.

Yours in His service,
Jacob McLean