Episode 31-2020: The Third Commandment

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Pastor Mark Dawes continues his series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. In today’s broadcast, he focuses on the […]

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The Third Commandment

      Grace Hour Broadcast 2 August 2020 Pastor Mark Dawes hosts a series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. Each week he discusses one commandment in the series. The broadcast for 2 August 2020 focuses on the Third Commandment. This is found at Exodus […]

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The Second Commandment

      Grace Hour Broadcast 26 July 2020 Pastor Mark Dawes hosts a series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. Each week he discusses one commandment in the series. The broadcast for 26 July 2020 focuses on the Second Commandment. This is found at Exodus […]

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Episode 30-2020: The Second Commandment

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth…” Pastor Mark Dawes continues his series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral […]

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The First Commandment

      Grace Hour Broadcast 19 July 2020 Pastor Mark Dawes hosts a series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. Each week he discusses one commandment in the series. The broadcast for 19 July 2020 focuses on the First Commandment. This is found at Exodus […]

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Episode 29-2020: The First Commandment

“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” Pastor Mark Dawes hosts a series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. Each week he discusses one commandment in the series. Today’s broadcast focuses on the First Commandment, found at Exodus 20:3. This is a command to all […]

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Episode 28-2020: A Preamble to The Ten Commandments

Starting today Pastor Mark Dawes hosts a series of discussions on The Ten Commandments, history’s greatest moral code. Each week he discusses one commandment. This broadcast is a preamble and discusses the giving of the Ten Commandments by God, found at Exodus 20:1-2. God is the ultimate source of morality.

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Episode 27-2020: Reviewing The Basis of Hope

Reverend McLean concludes on the topic “Maintaining Hope in the Midst of the Prevailing Coronavirus Pandemic” in this episode. The Apostle Peter, the Apostle of Hope, looked at hope, and the people who need hope, from two vantage points. First, from an earthly position as pilgrims of the dispersion, as […]

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Episode 26-2020: The Sovereignty of God

The sovereignty of God provides a pillar for hope in all situations for Christ-followers. Let us review the basis of hope as provided by the Apostle Peter, rightly called “The Apostle of Hope”. The sovereignty of God is one of His many attributes. The Sovereignty of God refers to the […]

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