Episode 27-2020: Reviewing The Basis of Hope

Reverend McLean concludes on the topic “Maintaining Hope in the Midst of the Prevailing Coronavirus Pandemic” in this episode. The Apostle Peter, the Apostle of Hope, looked at hope, and the people who need hope, from two vantage points. First, from an earthly position as pilgrims of the dispersion, as […]

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Episode 26-2020: The Sovereignty of God

The sovereignty of God provides a pillar for hope in all situations for Christ-followers. Let us review the basis of hope as provided by the Apostle Peter, rightly called “The Apostle of Hope”. The sovereignty of God is one of His many attributes. The Sovereignty of God refers to the […]

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Episode 25-2020: How important are promises in your life?

The most important earthly relationships are founded on promises. Contracts of employment are based on mutual promises. Business relationships are established and maintained by promises which are enforceable by law. 2 Peter 1:2-4 speaks of “exceedingly great and precious promises”. God’s promises in His Word. God has a perfect track […]

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