Episode 34-2021: The Ministry of Restoration

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Grace Hour Broadcast
Episode 34-2021: The Ministry of Restoration

During the series this month, I will invite your time for reflection in the Book of Ruth. We will see how God used the resources He has so graciously and generously placed at our disposal to engage ministries of restoration to members of communities who have or are experiencing “Mara” encounters that leave them broken, bitter and empty.

This week we will consider Ruth’s declaration while she was still in Moab, “Your God shall be my God“. Ruth, in this declaration, shared the hope that she would one day experience God on a personal level, just as her mother-in-law had.

It is amazing how broken, empty people can be transformed and experience peace and satisfaction when they come to know God and experience Him in His fullness. As we work to restore broken, bitter and empty people, we should ensure they encounter God as Provider, Protector and Healer. They should not just be content to know about God but to experience Him through their interactions with others in the community.

Reverend Donald Webley is the Pastor of Rosemount Missionary Church in St. James.

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