Today we continue the series, “The Case of God” from the Book of Isaiah in chapter one… Isaiah is a book of Prophecy, and Isaiah ministered from about 740 – 606 BC, about 60 years. For 20 of those years, he spoke both to the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Israel had split under the reign of Solomon’s son Rehoboam.
Today we pick up from Isaiah 1:11. In this verse God is making the point that they are giving their sacrifices, but what is the purpose of it? Their sacrifices no longer had any purpose or meaning. He said in His Word, He has had enough. He has no more need of their sacrifices. Has our worship become noise in the ears of God? Do we go to church Sunday after Sunday, but no answer to our prayers? Has God begun to hate our worship because we refuse to repent and turn from our ways?